Saturday, January 31, 2009

Les bottes de pluie a la mode / Fancy Rain boots

Cet hiver a San Francisco, les grands font comme les petits, ils portent des bottes de pluie quand le temps est au gris. Mais attention, pas n'importe quelles bottes de pluie. On voit fleurir des bottes tres design, hautes en couleur et la plupart du temps assorties au manteau ou a la veste. On est a San Francisco quand meme!

This winter in San Francisco, the grown-up are doing like the little ones: they are wearing rain boots. But it's not your old green rain boots for gardening. These boots are very colorful with motifs, very design, and more often than not, they are color-matching the coat: We are in San Francisco after all.

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